Can I give others permission to edit their own store entries

Support > Store Submission Forms > Can I give others permission to edit their own store entries

It's possible for you to give third parties such as Store owners or your Customers a URL which allows them to edit their own store details directly without your involvement or with just your approval of the changes only. This is a great way to offload responsibility for keeping store information such as opening hours up to date to those who have that information without increasing your workload.

To get started with this, please do the following: 

  • Go to the Store Submission Form page and set 'Allow Store Updates by Link' to Enabled. You can choose whether or not you have to approve their changes or not.
  • Setting 'Show update link for new stores' to Enabled means any store owner submitting a new store to your locator automatically gets given a link to update it in future.
  • Put the URL where your store submission form is installed on your website under 'Submission Form URL'.
  • Next, head to the Stores page and click on the 'Choose Columns' button at the top. Select 'Update Url' and click on Update.

 This will add a new column to your locator which you can use to Generate a link which you can send to your store owners which will allow them to edit their own listings.

Please note, if you reimport your store list after sharing the update links with your store owners, you'll need to ensure that the 'Update_Url' field is retained for each store entry. The easiest way to get a copy of this field is to first use the 'Bulk Export' button from the Stores page where you will see there is a column with this title. Make your changes to this export file then reimport from it and you shouldn't have any problems. If you don't keep this 'Update_Url' field then the links that you previously sent out will no longer work and will need to be regenerated as described above.

If you run into any problems with this just let us know as usual and we can usually recover the situation.